Chloé De Lentdecker

I am graduated as pharmacist from the Paris XI University in France and have a master degree in human health risk assessment. I had worked as toxicologist for 9 years on biocides risk assessment for active substances and products. I also had the opportunity to work on activities linked to REACh regulation and contributed to the drafting of CLH reports. I worked for the French Agency for food, environmental and occupational health safety (Anses), first as a scientific assessor and then as deputy head of the toxicology unit in charge of human health related to biocide regulation. During this period, I was a core member of the ECHA’s Biocidal Product Committee in the human health working group where the assessment of the biocidal active substances is discussed. In February 2016, I joined the scientific coordination team in the Pesticides Peer Review Unit in European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).