Christian Prohaska

I studied at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences (Vienna) Food- and Biotechnology (1984 – 1993). From 1994 to 2000 I worked for different public bodies dealing with various risk assessment issues in the field of plant protection products (risk assessment for consumer; evaluation of plant protection products with respect to residue behaviour; fate and behaviour of plant protection products in the environment with respect to drinking water contamination). In 2000, I completed a postgraduate program in toxicology at the Medical University Vienna. In 2002, I started to work in the field of toxicology at AGES (deputy head of department of toxicology). By 2005, I became head of the Department of Residue Behaviour and Physchem Properties at AGES. I am chair of EU Commission WG “post approval issues” and the Interzonal Steering Committee.