Jean-Paul Judson

I am half-English, half-French. A combination some consider to be rather unusual, and they are right: whether it’s in law, politics, education, comedy or culture, nothing can be more different than each side of the Channel.

Maybe that partly explains why I am not able to say yes or no as I need to contemplate options before making a decision. That makes me, profoundly, a moderator. It is in-built in my character and rooted in the philosophical contradiction of my national origins. Faithful to my dual nationality, I hold a degree in Politics & Sociology from Royal Holloway University (London, UK) and a Masters in European Affairs from Sciences Po (Paris, France).

But it’s sociology that shapes the way I confront everyday life. In the manner of a zoom-in zoom-out approach, I define sociology as the science of context, based on two fundamental notions:

No problem exists without a context.

No analysis is possible without first setting the problem in the right context.

My vision for moderation is to bring sociology centre stage, whether it’s for events, for partnerships or for strategy. If sociology is the science of context, then moderation is its art form. That is why I founded NOWMORE, to inspire moderation.

From my experience in European public affairs, my areas of expertise are: local, regional and urban policy; research & innovation; plant breeding, seed production and agriculture; climate action and circular economy; packaging; sports; gender politics.