Jeremy Belzunces

Jérémy Belzunces joined IBMA – the International Biocontrol Manufacturers Association in 2022 as a Technical Project Manager. He demonstrates more than 10 years of experience in EU agricultural affairs in the diplomatic and business areas.

Jeremy worked for six years in the diplomatic field, advising various governmental and industry bodies on the development of EU agricultural policies and the EU sanitary and phytosanitary framework. He also served as a Delegate to the OECD Committee for Agriculture and two associated OECD working parties: the joint working party on agriculture and trade (JWPAT), and the working party on agricultural policies and markets (APM).

Jeremy also worked as an independent consultant in EU agricultural affairs and completed an internship in the Global Strategic Marketing department of BASF Agricultural Solutions.

He holds a master’s degree in international business, a master’s degree in business management, and a project management certification.