Marc Teiwes

Marc Teiwes graduated as a Biologist focusing on Ecology from University of Bielefeld (Germany). After spending some years in the safari industry in Zambia he began to work in Crop Protection in 2010 for Rifcon GmbH. In 2012 he started his career at BASF working as a Submission specialist. After 3 years he joined the Regulatory department being a Regulatory Manager for more than 5 years. Since 2020 he leads BASF’s Dossier Management Team responsible for submissions around the globe. In this function he implemented IUCLID and further provisions of the Transparency Regulation within BASF Agricultural Solutions department. He is part of CLE’s electronic Submission Expert Group (eSEG) since 2012 and has chaired the group from 2019-2021. Hence Marc has been working with IUCLID for PPP since the very beginning being part of the IUCLID Pilot exercise and the Hypercare program. Today he is a nominated member of the EFSA IUCLID PSN meeting contributing to the further development of the software.