Roman Ashauer

Dr Roman Ashauer is an environmental scientist who joined Syngenta in 2019 after a successful career in academia at Eawag (CH) and the University of York (UK). His scientific expertise is in ecotoxicology, predictive science and environmental systems modelling. He is probably most well-known for his research on toxicokinetic-toxicodynamic models. Perhaps less well known are his contributions to in vitro to in vivo toxicity extrapolation methods, where he led the project which delivered the first successful in vitro to in vivo toxicity extrapolation for growth effects on fish and later wrote an award-winning paper on predictive ecotoxicology, physiological modes of action and adverse outcome pathways. Roman has published over 70 peer-reviewed papers, one scientific book and won multiple prizes and awards. Since 2022 he is a Syngenta Fellow and his favorite personality analysis describes him as: “An original and idealistic thinker whose contributions, although infrequent, are often pivotal points.”