Zita Varanavičienė

Zita Varanavičienė is the director of CropLife Lithuania. This Association’s primary objective is the dissemination of good plant protection practices, the promotion of initiatives for the safe use of plant protection products, the implementation of circular economy principles in the management of plant protection product packaging and the promotion of anticounterfeit activity in Lithuania.

Zita graduated as a biologist, holds a Master’s degree in Ecology and Environmental Management, studied Chemical Risk Assessment at Uppsala University, and has more than 10 years of practical experience as a regulatory ecotoxicologist and fate expert. She has substantial experience related to the chemicals management legislation which was gained by working in the ministerial team. The last five years have been full of new challenges as director of CLL.

Growing tomatoes and flowers, walking with the dogs and travelling to historical sites by motorbike takes up her leisure time.